Multiple Listing Service

- Immediate access to oil & gas industry's MLS network
- 1,500+ U.S., Canadian & International listings
- No commission network!
- Search & seek capabilities
- Sellers use PLS to generate buyer leads
- Listings appear in PLS hard copy reports & online
- Buyers use PLS to generate deal flow
- Combine MLS with PLS' core reports & regionals for added value
Find your next oil & gas deal.
Over 2,000 active deals at any time. PLS manages the largest single database for oil & gas opportunities in the USA, Canada and International markets.Sales made simple.
Armed with the largest buyer network in the industry, PLS offers both buyers and sellers the tools to secure speedy and successful divestment leads. With over 25 years of oil and gas experience, PLS is ready to streamline your A&D process.
Constantly Updating
PLS ensures content is fresh every day. This requires detailed cross-referencing of all public forums, in addition to honoring frequent update requests from our subscribers who submit deals privately.
Easy Searching
With the click of a button, subscribers can access a customizable list of asset types based upon their own unique personal acquisition criteria.
No Commissions
While certainly a key benefit to our Seller clients, Buyers can proceed confidently in knowing PLS will not factor any fees into a given asking price.
Broad Range of Asset Types
Whether you are seeking producing on non-producing assets, operated or non-operated, one well or one thousand wells, PLS displays the full spectrum of the market within our Multiple Listings Service.